
Studios Studio A Studio B Studio C Studio D Studio E

Centered around the gorgeous API Box II console, Bay Owl Studio A has plenty of space and a great vibe for multiple artists to jam up ideas and can even track full bands.

The cosier studio, Bay Owl’s Studio B still houses the API Box II Console and can comfortably track upto two artists together.

Bay Owl’s Studio C is perfect for your next rehearsal, whether just a trio or a large bollywood band. Alternatively this room is great for livestreams, shoots, workshops and intimate sets.



Audio Recording    
Commercial Rate ₹2,450 / hr ₹1,950 / hr ₹1,500 / hr ₹1,250 / hr ₹650 / hr
Independent Artist Rate* ₹1,250 / hr ₹1,000 / hr ₹1,000 / hr    
Engineer ₹900 / hr ₹900 / hr ₹900 / hr    
Video / Photo Shoots*    
Phone Camera ₹2,450 / hr ₹1,950 / hr ₹1,250 / hr    
Other Cameras (No Lighting) ₹5,000 / hr ₹4,000 / hr ₹2,000 / hr    
Other Cameras (Lighting) ₹7,500 / hr ₹6,000 / hr ₹3,000 / hr    
Studio Engineer ₹1,500 / hr ₹1,500 / hr ₹1,500 / hr    
Rehearsals / Jams    
Less than 10 people Not included in Studio A Not included in Studio B ₹700 / hr    
More than 10 people Not included in Studio A Not included in Studio B ₹1250 / hr    
Extra SM58 mic Not included in Studio A Not included in Studio B ₹50 / hr    
1080p Single Webcam ₹2,450 / hr ₹2,450 / hr ₹1,500 / hr    
Engineer ₹900 / hr ₹900 / hr ₹900 / hr    
Add: Multitrack audio ₹1,000 / hr ₹1,000 / hr ₹1,000 / hr